Rudolf Steiner's Bee Lectures from the book 'Bees'

Over the last week I've worked my way through an audio recording of the 8 lectures Rudolph Steiner made available in his book "Bees". It has been a pleasant, if somewhat waffly, look into Steiner's worldview and the place that bees have in his overarching thesis on the interconnectedness of nature. I found a lot of the content was of little interest to me because it was based around pseudoscientific health principles strange musings on things like formic acid and milk. The parts that have come away thinking about are more to do with the organisational structure of the hive and the relationships between the hive and the human body.Here are a few notes that I've made to think about further:Developmental stages of the 3 types of bee from laval to maturity:Queen 16 Days - closer to laval stage, interesting the the queen requires the least time in larval stage.Workers 21 Days - significant: the sun revolves once on its axis (link to the sun) the worker bee experiences every single effect the sun can have on it and is instilled within the worker bee - a sun animal.Drones 23-24 Days - the sun is past, the drone is an earth animal.Macrocosm and microcosm ideas, particularly ideas around the blood cells in the body being the worker bees and the human body, the hive. The queen sits at the centre like the heart and the workers move around her like red blood cells. (Would that make the drones white blood cells seeing as they do the 'protecting?')I don't quite get what he was talking about but the is a correlation between milk/honey/quartz (six sided effect). I want to have a look into this because crystalline structures are another interest in my work. I've made a note that says "Quartz crystals and bee cells?? whats he talking about??" so I'd better investigate!Bees can sense fear, anger. A hive establishes a relationship with a human - the beekeeper. It takes the hive time to acclimatise with a new beekeeper.Beekeeping is so old that there is no record of what bees did and how they lived before domesticated bee keeping (I need to check the veracity of this statement!)The queen can produce eggs without fertilisation. She can produce drones from unfertilised eggs, but workers and other queens only hatch from fertilised eggs. This makes the drones seem like quite a different sort of creature, they also have the longest maturation time. 


Yuansu II - Ren Ri


Thoughts about works by Tracey Tawhiao and Tiffany Singh at Te Uru