Work in Progress January 2015

This is a record of the work I made in January 2015. Overall I think this is the least successful work, but I learned a lot of valuable stuff from actually making it. During the creation of the work I went through a repetitive production process that was bordering on ritualistic in it's experience. The scent of the wax brought bees into the house and I had to go through a sort of ritual everyday around avoiding them, feeding them (because they got tired) and taking them back outside again at the end of the day. Creating the hexagon tiles involved a long process of heating, pouring, cooling, flattening, being very, very hot, getting burns and dodging excited bees.After creating this work it became obvious to me that the interest in the piece was within the creative process, not the tiles on the floor. They felt flat and lacking in the energy of their own creation - someone described them as being like a 'sketch' rather than a sculpture. During my feedback meeting Anders suggested the inclusion of the tools of making, of somehow bringing the energy of the bees and the feeling of the creation process into the work. This was very valuable for me and has informed my thinking ever since.Despite being somewhat disappointed in the finished piece, I'm very glad that I made it because I learned so much from what didn't work and what I needed to think about to make it successful.Hex (2015)Beeswax, carbon, sandalwood, frankincense, myrrhdoorwaydirtgroupsmall grouptwogroupslargeformclose-up


Hive Oracle - April 2015


Work from September 2014