Caroline gave me a very useful exercise to do which involves taking 100 images and sorting them. I had several folders of images that I'd been collecting from over the course of the last year and a half - some of them are images of contemporary art but a lot of them are just images I liked and felt drawn to.I did a first sort where I used all of the images and found places for them.Then I did a second and third sort where I looked for specific aspects relating to my practice and content for my oral presentation. I added in a few of my own works so I could find their place in the image groupings.FIRST SORTIMG_1810ARTEFACT IMG_1808ENVIRONMENTALIMG_1806EXPERIENTIALIMG_1809DIAGRAMATICIMG_1812UNNERVING / OTHERWORDLYIMG_1813COSTUME AND RITUALIMG_1811ANCESTRYIMG_1807ICONOGRAPHYSECOND SORTIMG_1815PERFORMANCEIMG_1816PERFORMATIVEIMG_1817BOTH PERFORMANCE AND PERFORMATIVE (I actually wondered whether the Ren Ri hive work should be in this group because the bees themselves are actually performing while the viewer observes the work)THIRD SORTIMG_1818PERFORMANCE TO CAMERAIMG_1819OBEJCT CONVERSATIONS, BOTH HETEROGENEOUS AND HOMOGENEOUSI'm going to keep these images, add to them and continue my sorting process to distill further ideas. I find the sorting and thinking to be really useful and I wonder if I'll come back and move some of the images out of the groups I've placed them in? There are a number of images that appear over and over in my sorts and I feel those ones are important to my practice.


Matthew Barney: The Gesamtkunstwerk and Cosmology Creation

