“In the ash that lies at the bottom of the grave, there lies the king’s diadem…”
The Nigredo works are part of a larger body that describe the three major processes in alchemical transformation. Nigredo is the stage of dissolution, of breaking down, of burning away, of dying to be reborn anew. I’m fascinated by the moments that occur between change - I think of them as the Eternal Moments -when a point is reached where reality teeters between one and the other, between being and non-being.
Alchemical process becomes an interesting language, with it’s array of symbols, metaphors and magic, as well as it’s questioning of the ability to transform material reality. I see in this a way to examine our relationship with the otherworldly, whether it’s a trick of the mind or a glimpse of something else.
0=2 (2018)
Terra Preta I (2018)
C=AU (2018)
Eartheaters I (2018)
Servitor I (2018)
Servitor II (2018)
Nigredo: Declination I, II & III (2018) video

Video installed at Kingsize Studios, Auckland