Rubedo embodies the final stage of the alchemical magnum opus that commenced with Nigredo and Albedo. The ‘turning to gold’ or attainment of the sublime, with symbolism such as the rose and the sacred blood. Actions of pouring, turning and hand gestures are used throughout the Rubedo series and are especially evident in the video works. The slow and deliberate movement of hands echo ritual gestures used in both western ceremonial magick and more shamanstic practices, as well as the kinds of hand poses seen particulalry in Italian Baroque art.
Creation of the costumes and objects used in these videos is integral to my practice. The physical making involved is, for me, a manifestation of the ritual process intrinsic to the work as a whole. This was also the first time I worked with creating soundscapes myself. I thoroughly enjoyed creating this extra dimension for the installation, having previously used sound made by others.
Why did'st thou not preserve my precious rose whose perfume breathed of immortality? (2019)
Acolytes of the Blood and the Rose (2019)
And in Our Hearts the Blood of the Pelican (2019)
My Sister My Heart and My Tongue (2019)
Blood Sentinels (2019) video
Nothing Gold Can Stay (2019) video
The Pelican Surrenders the Blood of Her Heart (2019) video